Saturday, November 08, 2008

gas prices

Every day I am reminded just how sin has radically affected every aspect of our being. The other day (post election) I was involved in this conversation with otherwise clear thinking people demonstrating our (or at least my) inability to think.

Rick - "What I hate is how people just pick anything out of the blue to support their preconceived ideas."
Someone - "Yeah, I know what you mean."
Rick - "Like gas prices. I saw $1.79 today. No one credits George Bush for that. I mean, two months ago who here would have thought we'd have prices under $2 again?"
Someone else - "Well that's not to his credit. They are only down due to the bad economy. And that is his fault!"
Rick - "Really? Then why wasn't he credited when they were sky rocketing?"
Another someone else - "You don't understand, there are complicating factors."
Rick - silence ...

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