Tuesday, November 04, 2008

the decline of the emerger

From time to time I cruise by some blogs that I had previously decided were no longer helpful. Often I regret doing so. Here's a line from a guy who has redefined love, God, Christianity, etc. ... yes, he is an emerger. I don't know if all emergents are this way but the more I read his stuff the more I realize we are fundamentally on two very different pages.

Here's a line from a recent post regarding predictions for 2012.

The church will be much more interested in solving global poverty than abortion or gay marriage. 2016 will be even better.

Sounds nice, but can you spot what's wrong with that?

1 comment:

  1. The majority of Christians in the world are probably more concerned with local poverty right now, and abortion and gay marriage don't concern them at all.
