Wednesday, November 19, 2008

calvin is a nice guy?

I don't know John Calvin and don't have much energy to know him - even though I wear the label "Calvinist". I've heard a lot of nasty things about him that I presumed were true and since my theology wasn't about him, I never took the time to confirm or refute any of it. Again, I just took the label for the sake of simplicity.

But now I don't know what to think. John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, & Doxology is to be released in time to celebrate his 500th birthday next year. I may just pick up a copy to learn about about the man ... or I may continue to be a bit lazy and not care ...

The book has a variety of contributors - many of whom I have deep respect for; others not. As I looked over the list I thought to myself, "How bad can he be? Surely he's not as hard as some of these guys?" Yeah, probably I'll not get this one ...

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