Friday, October 03, 2008

toilet water

Jer 2:13 - God people tend to satisfy their thirst not by drinking from his streams of living water, but instead drinking from man-made toilets. From the first chapter of Mark Driscoll's Porn-Again. He continues, "the church alone has access to the living water from God’s perfect Word, but largely fails to teach men masculinity in any area, particularly regarding their sexuality." The chapter ends with this summary:

In our age of lewdness and perversion we, like our Father, must avoid crassness, while wisely and boldly speaking frankly about the joy and beauty of sexual intimacy when it is confined by the loving directions of the God who created both us and our desires. And, we must refuse to speak in sanitized clinical euphemisms like calling adulteries “affairs,” fornication “dating,” and perverts “partners” because God uses frank words for deplorable sin so we will feel its sickness without anesthesia.

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