Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Warning ... hardcore anti-abortion video ... Video deleted because I love Shannon ... that seems like reason enough ...

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  1. Anonymous1:30 AM

    I saw that over at Justin Taylor's and will post it on my blog too. It is hard to imagine how anyone's conscience could be so seared as to perform or support such barbaric acts. I'm glad they didn't show a partial-birth abortion - I don't think I could bear to see that. God help us if we elect barbaric Obama to office.
    -Jonathan Moorhead

  2. Jonathan and Chaos (can I call you Chaos for short?) - I agree; God help us! On the other hand, that's our prayer either way the election goes. It just get scarier and scarier ... and yet with the hope of "God help us", I feel ok inside - peace ...

  3. I had to stop the video once it got to the 24wk baby. While this sort of video is educational, it is very painful to watch. I agree it is barbaric.

    What came to my mind while watching it were the woman who have had an abortion and suffer all their lives for it. Many of them Christian women... women who read your blog.

    I don't imagine these videos leave any room for compassion or grace. While I have a lot of respect for you RIck, I am disappointed to see this on your website.
