Thursday, September 25, 2008

sovereign election

What do you see here? Do you focus on the destruction of many or the salvation of one?

Sovereign Election

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    "The Luckiest People."

    If it is true that those that do the will of God are the ones who
    will enter into Heaven and also true that God has made fit vessels for
    destruction both of which the bible says is true Romans 9:21 than I
    should hope that I were one lucky enough to have been created a fit
    vessel for destruction.

    Why? Because if I were created a fit vessel for destruction it would
    be God's will for me to sin because it is only by sinning that I would
    incur the wages of sin which is death.

    Actually a dishonorable vessel should be careful not to obey God's
    commandments because by so doing he a created dishonorable vessel
    would not be doing God's will for him, because he would be acting
    honorably when he was created to act dishonorably.Since a created
    dishonorable vessel would be doing God's will when such a vessel sins
    the dishonorable vessels needs no saviour and can sin to his heart's
    content and on judgement day be assured of heaven because every time
    he sinned he was doing God's will.

    Therfor a created dishonorable vessel of Romans 9:21 would be amongst the luckiest people.
