Monday, September 29, 2008

porn again

In Paul’s day, he accused some people of worshiping their stomachs as their god, and in our day it appears that our god has simply moved a short distance south. ... Simply, according to God, marriage and sex are related, connected, and exclusive. Sex as God intends it is for one man and one woman in marriage with the overarching purpose of oneness. Subsequently, by definition anything that contradicts God’s intent is sinful. Thus, sinful acts include homosexuality, bestiality, bisexuality, fornication, friends with benefits, adultery, prostitution, rape, polygamy, sinful lust including pornography, prostitution, rape, polygamy, pedophilia, incest, and anything else invented next to try and escape the clear teachings of Scripture. ~ From the introduction to Mark Drisoll's Porn-Again Christian: A Frank Discussion on Pornography & Masturbation for God’s Men.

Driscoll will release this book a chapter at a time on-line and then make it available as a PDF.

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