Sunday, September 14, 2008


I'm not sure how true the story below is but it makes for a good analogy. The following is in TrueFaced from C.E. MacCartney as cited by Paul Lee Tan, Encyclopedia: Signs of the Times.

A distinguished draftsman, engineer, artist, and thinker, Leonardo da Vinci is one of the outstanding intellects of history. Just before hr started painting The Last Supper, he had a violent quarrel with a fellow painter. Enraged and bitter, Leonardo determined to paint the face of his enemy – the other artist – as the face of Judas and thus take our his revenge by sending this man down in infamy. Judas was one of the first faces he painted, and everyone recognized the face of the painter with whom Leonardo had quarreled.

But when Leonardo came to paint the face of Christ, he could make no progress. Something was holding him back, frustrating his best efforts. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that the thing checking and frustrating him was that he had painted his enemy as Judas. He decided to paint out the face of Judas and start fresh on the face of Jesus. He did, and this time with the success which the ages have acclaimed.

The point:

We cannot simultaneously paint the features of Christ into our life and paint another face with the colors of enmity and hatred.

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