Monday, August 04, 2008

now or later

Is it "pie in the sky when I die" or "meat on the plate while I wait"? The conversation (to be kind) continues in the blogsphere regarding whether the Kingdom is some future hope or present reality. The Emergent constantly kicks against the phrase "when I die and go to heaven", etc.. With that as background, I like how Amy Hall framed this quote of John Piper in response to being "so heavenly minded you're no earthly good."

So don't make the mistake of thinking that future-oriented, future-sustained joy limits present usefulness. It doesn't limit it. It liberates it. If your future is glorious and sure (which it is in Christ!), you don't live for money or power or fame. You don't have to grasp and snatch and chase pleasures that are slipping through your aging fingers. You are free to live for others now. You are free to be another kind of person than the kind that lives for this world. If your hope is glorious and sure, you will seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these other basic things will be added to you (Matthew 6:33). Your love will be genuine. It will be radical, risk-taking, sacrificial because of the joy set before you. ~ John Piper

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