Sunday, July 27, 2008

the real problem

The new liberals, as those before them, often get confused with why we as believers, both individually and corporately, remain here “on earth”. I love A.W. Tozer’s voice on what is the problem with man.

Go to God’s Word and you will find that sin is the most pressing, the most compelling, the most imperative problem in human life and society. The most pressing problem is not sickness. It is not war. It is not poverty. Sin is the basic problem because sin has to do with a person’s soul. Sin does not relate merely to a person’s short years on this earth. It involves that person’s eternal future and the world to come.

No one has ever overstated the seriousness of the sin question. It is a question that continues age after age. It comes to every human being: “What am I going to do about sin?” That question takes precedence over all other questions that we are called upon to answer. Whether we are world famous or an unnamed member of the human race, we must make confession concerning our relationship with sin.

As believers, our role is to live life as one who properly makes that confession and to bring others to the realization of the need for the same. We are not called to repair the environment, solve food shortages, nor address injustice. Those are the things we doing once we’ve made that proper confession … but they never become the most important problem.

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