Saturday, July 12, 2008


I love these quotes today at Reformed Voices. There is absolutely nothing wrong with thinking out loud, theorizing, etc.. But we (and it seems especially so these days) often confuse this with sharing the Gospel. We call it "keeping it real" or some other thing when it is simply being who we are. We should take care to not confuse that as sharing the Gospel. Sharing the Gospel is boldly demonstrating and proclaiming God's absolute Truth.

Preaching is not the proclamation of a theory, or the discussion of a doubt. A man has a perfect right to proclaim a theory of any sort, or to discuss his doubts. But that is not preaching. 'Give me the benefit of your convictions, if you have any. Keep your doubts to yourself; I have enough of my own,' said Goethe. We are never preaching when we are hazarding speculations. Of course we do so. We are bound to speculate sometimes. I sometimes say: 'I am speculating; stop taking notes.' Speculation is not preaching. Neither is the declaration of negations preaching. Preaching is the proclamation of the Word, the truth as the truth has been revealed. ~ G. Campbell Morgan

Preaching is theology coming through a man who is on fire. ~ Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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