Friday, July 11, 2008

liberalism ... its everywhere

Needless to say, my trip to Mars Hill Bible Church confirmed in my mind what I have often heard said concerning much of the Emerging Church. This movement is really just old liberalism with cooler glasses and a penchant for mystery and postmodernism. ~ Nathan Williams

This statement does not apply to all but I can say that more often than not I have the same sense as Williams in regard to my interactions with those that call themselves emergent. Of course liberalism has its fingers in nearly all "movements" within Christianity. It's just that it seemed to take hold fast (or was even the base) for many wearing the label emergent.

I say this not to point out emergents, I say it to suggest that all of us need to guard ourselves against this subtle yet pervasive worldview.


  1. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Wow, Rick, you are becoming a fundamentalist.

  2. "Emergent" seems to have no meaning.

  3. I agree completely. It's mainline, liberalism repackaged with a dash of mysticism.

    Which is fine by me, I should add. I just wish they'd admit it.

    And stop talking about the evils of modernism and start talking about the evils of consumerism.
