Monday, June 23, 2008

TULIP revisited

Ok listen, I'm a "Calvinist" and I post many jokes about Calvinists so I'm declaring that I'm qualified to poke fun at those who are not. So, no need to beat me up for this one just in from Reformed Voices.

On a serious note I found this timely because I am beginning to engage with some "emerging" types. I formerly thought predisposed, judgmental, lack-of-facts thinking was reserved for the Evangelical camp. I am now finding that Emergers are like other people, they do the same thing.

I have to laugh (or cry) because this has been one of the constants I've seen in my nearly 30 years as a believer. We too often become what we hate. And this isn't just in the big stuff. I remember how we prided ourselves in the early days regarding proper attire for "church" meetings. We weren't like those stuffy religious types who confused their faith with their apparel. They were pharisees and we were normal (well, even better, we were cool - and that was pre-Apple Mac). But it wasn't too many years into it before it was clear that we also had a church uniform. It was easy to spot us and we even mocked those that dressed different.

Ah these emergent kids ... they like us refuse to learn from the mistakes of those that have gone before.

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  1. I say this with no heat of anger to the emergenters, but - well, duh.

    The church has always been thus; the church will always be so, as it comprises mere humans.

    Every generation in the past has thought and said "We've discovered the One True Thing that makes all previous church doctrine/order obsolete and pharisaical."

    At least it's predictable.

    And the "Emergent Church" will become the Establishment and ossified like all other movements. The people of the Jesus Movement are ready to retire.

    The Emergent movement will need to be evaluated in the light of all other things that appear in culture. Some good things will come of it, and some things - probably lots of things - will need to be discarded by the church. And in many cases (I predict the majority) these new things will be seen as largely irrelevant. The children of the Emergent Church will discard this praxis as rapidly as the Emergent Church is discarding the orthopraxy of the historic churches. Every church movement thinks it's the Church of Philadelphia, faithful to the end.

    More people need to read Swift & his discussion of the Big Endians and Little Endians.
