Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I like Steve Addison's post Life with Limits:

Every living thing has limits to growth. Ever living thing dies. Growth has its boundaries in both space and time.

God made elephants big. He made whales enormous. But even their size has is finite. There are trees on this planet that last thousands of years. Even they die.

Growth is not the point. Size is not the point. Long life is not the point.

In this fallen world everything dies. Everything has limits.

There’s only one way for life to continue. It’s called propagation. In the real world if you’re not propagating, you’re finished. Eventually.

You can be a mega church of 10,000. You can be a cafe church of 10. If you’re not reproducing, you’re finished.

Church growth is not the point. Church propagation is.

We were created to (1) be image bearers and (2) propagate the earth with more image bearers. I suggest to those I can that "Healthy things give birth to healthy things; healthy Christians bear healthy Christians, healthy small groups bear healthy small groups, and healthy churches bear healthy churches." That's not a "church growth" thing - that's a healthy living thing.

The other aspect to this is that one measure of healthy offspring is when they give life to another. So one cannot draw conclusions from the first generation, it's about having grandkids.

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