Sunday, June 15, 2008


While I don't share the degree of concern regarding the 'target' to whom this particular quote has been reapplied, I certainly agree with the quote itself.

Pushing aside important [doctrinal] differences makes the church more energetic about a moralism focused on man than true piety focused on God. This in turn creates a pragmatism, and eventually a relativism, that will destroy the love of truth and with it the sense of oughtness that gives perseverance to righteous action. ~ Tom Nettles

We most be very careful to sort out what is foundational and to not compromise that. Of course even what constitutes the basics seems to be up for debate these days but surely something fits that category and whatever it is, it should not be compromised.

With that said I should add that the converse of the quote is also true. A piety toward God that does not result in a love for His creation demonstrated through good words and deeds leads toward legalism. This ultimately results in a lost focus on our true love Himself.

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