Friday, June 06, 2008

for the willow haters

Many in the blogsphere spend an inordinate amount of their time trying to find what is wrong with others. That should be no surprise since that has been part of the nature of man since the fall. I'm only saddened that so many Christians haven't demonstrated God's redemption in that aspect of their lives.

Bill Hybels and Willow Creek are often in the cross-hairs. While I'm not a big fan of Willow (I say that about many ministries/ministers), I have benefited from that ministry and have used some of their materials to help others.

Here's a decent video response by Bill Hybels to some of the nonsense going around ... it renewed my love for what God has done and is doing through him.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting video. I attended Willow for about a year back in the mid-90's.
