Wednesday, June 18, 2008


John MacArthur posts today on Thinking Biblically. This is a call to discernment which is a good encouragement at all times for all Christians everywhere. I will add two comments:

1) Discernment is not the first step nor the last. That is, it starts with a life-changing touch by the Holy Spirit, a knowledge of some Truth, repentance, etc.. But more, our life does not end with discernment, it is about living Christ-like, day in and day out, moment by moment.

2) The second point builds on the first. I know discerning people our are not Christ-like. They discern all but themselves. Actually that's too harsh. Sometimes they fail to discern the time, that is it may not be the right time to confront a given issue. More often they fail to discern the bigger picture. I suppose I want to say that their use of discernment is not very discerning. Can one say that?

For the purpose of his post, MacArthur did a fine job with his definition: "Discernment — the ability to think biblically about all areas of life — is indispensable to an uncompromising life." In a larger context I might have used the phase "think and act" over "think". I also prefer "Christ-like" over "biblically" - while these may seem the same I think the implication is great.

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