Monday, June 16, 2008

the answer to everything

This cartoon reminded me of someone I know ... actually, it reminds me of almost everyone I know. Most of my friends are very passionate about some small number of things. For me it's small groups and community. Almost any time I speak with someone, the solution to whatever we discuss is small groups. I was thinking about another friend who has found help framing everything about God using the term love. I have another friend with whom every conversation circled back to the Doctrine of Election/Grace. And so it goes.

I like my friends. I like that they have passion. Even if it makes us looks silly.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Good observation! Stormie Omartian only writes about prayer. Piper writes about the glory of God. There are guys who do boundaries series, or love language series... the beauty of the body is that while none of us is a complete, balanced version of truth, we cohesively present it as a whole.... Sort of like one of us is a foot, and one of us is the eye...
