Tuesday, May 06, 2008

a mouth full

I can't say this word but it's our theological vocabulary word of the day ...

Lat. “before the fall”
also antelapsarianism

A system of belief among certain Calvinists believing in a theoretical plan of God that occurred before creation concerning his decree to save mankind. In the supra scheme, God first decreed who the elect and reprobate (non-elect) were, second he created both the elect and reprobate, third he decreed the fall as a means of damnation for the non-elect, and forth he decreed the atonement as a means of salvation for the elect. In this order one can surmise that the damnation of the reprobate primarily came as a result of God’s reprobating (non-electing), and only secondarily through the fall. This is to be distinguished from other more moderate forms of Calvinism such as infralapsarianism and sublapsarianism. Supralapsarianism is held by most proponents of double predestination.

1 comment:

  1. That definition is just confusing, as it fails to differetiate between logical ordering and temporal ordering. The languages also slants against Supralapsarianism for Infralapsarianism by calling the latter "moderate" (so is Supralapsarianism "extreme"?).

    >In this order one can surmise that the damnation of the reprobate primarily came as a result of God’s reprobating (non-electing), and only secondarily through the fall.

    Really? I don't see it. Sine when did logical ordering have anything whatsoever to do with temporal cause and effect?
