Thursday, May 01, 2008

the gift of worship

I love this song ... and the video is cool ... and the point is right on ...


1 comment:

  1. Very good and poignant. I have always wondered how we can answer the "How was the worship" question. Only God knows how much worship emanated from the hearts of believers. We can hear the songs, see the hands, watch the faces, but only God sees the heart.

    And to refer to worship as a "thing" is to elevate the ambiance rather than the Savior. Does anyone ever ask, "How was your worship today" on Tuesday? Thursday? In the hospital?

    How about this question:

    "Did it seem as if God's people responded to God's presence in a way that would give honor and glory to Him alone and that would substantiate the faith that the Invisible Creator who had saved them for all eternity was actually there?"


    Never mind. How was the music?
