Wednesday, May 28, 2008


This just in, the theological word of the day ...


A summary of teachings that are attributed to 17th century Dutch theologian Jacob Arminius. Arminian theology took issue with the teachings of John Calvin on 5 points, articulated in the Five articles of Remonstrance of 1610. The doctrines can be summarized as universal (prevenient) grace, conditional election, unlimited atonement, resistable grace, and uncertainty of perseverance. This eventually let to the Synod of Dort of 1618-1619, which resulted in the State church upholding what later became the 5 Points of Calvinism, while condemning Arminianism. Arminian theology later received official toleration by the State and has since continued in various forms within Protestantism.

For more on Arminianism, click here.

Nope - I ain't one ...

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  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    It's not fair! I'm on the distribution also for the Theological Word of the Day, but mine doesn't come until evening. You get your education earlier in the day. I have to wait until I get mine in the evening unless, of course, you post it on your blog.

  2. one of the benefits of living in the eastern time zone ... we are at least one hour ahead of you ...

  3. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Yes, but that means the tribulation will start there one hour earlier.
