Saturday, April 05, 2008

wimber on values

Vales affect what we think and, consequently, what we do. Our values are an intrinsic part of us, although we seldom think about them in a conscious fashion. They determine the ideas, principles and concepts a person or group can accept, assimilate, remember and transmit. They can be fallible and must be constantly revised and reviewed in the light of Scripture. ~ John Wimber

These are 10 simple values that Wimber wrote applying to all Christians.

Pursuers of God
The depth of God's relationship with us is inexhaustible (Ps. 41:1; 1 Cor. 2:6£f; Phil. 3:8-10). Therefore, we seek him and wait expectantly for his presence in all that we do (John 4:34; 5:19-20).

The Bible
The Bible is our final authority over opinions, dreams, revelations, visions, and any other authoritative source that we may look to for direction. At our core we are evangelical Christians. Our approach to life and ministry should be shaped by the counsel Scripture gives us (2 Tim. 3:16-17).

Our brothers and sisters are not our enemies. Therefore we relate to one another honorably, seeking to preserve the bond of peace. We will love what Jesus loves: the whole church. This means we will love those in our local congregation, those in the Association of Vineyard Churches, and Christians across denominational lines (Eph- 4:3-6).

Compassion and Mercy
We desire to accept into our fellowship any sincere believer who is attempting to walk in obedience to God, is repentant of his or her sins, and Is in submission to the authority of the church. God's mercy always triumphs over judgment (James 2:13; John 8:1-11).

God calls and enables believers to express the talents, gifts, and ministries that he has set aside for them. The orientation of all ministry is toward the integration of biblical truth into everyday living that impacts our community and beyond not limited to individual improvement or self-fulfillment (Eph. 4:11-13).

Caring for people is our highest priority after submission to God, because the purpose of the cross was the redemption of men and women. To the best of our ability we will treat each person with respect, dignity, and loving patience always seeking what is best for his or her life and growth (Rom. 12:9-13; 1 Cor. 13:4-9; Col. 3:12-14).

We deeply value the building up of families and believe in the priority of children, while at the same time embracing and valuing all adult believers who identify with our church family (Matt. 18:1-10; Col. 3:12-15).

We are stewards of God's gifts and resources (Matt. 10:8, 39; 13:45-46). This means that when God directs, we will be willing to give away what we have, to risk the security of current success in order to advance the kingdom on earth in greater ways. We do not own our ministries, so they are not ours to keep. We "give to get to give."

We want to be "naturally supernatural," avoiding behavior that draws attention away from God and to ourselves. Simplicity affects our worship style, how we pray for the sick and minister to the poor, cany out discipleship, teach the Bible, and so on (1 Cor. 2:2-5; James 3:13; 1 Thess. 4:11-12).

We are willing to let people make mistakes as they grow in their giftingWe know that gifting develops in an environment of trial-and-error, so we are willing to be patient with people's weaknesses and failures while they learn (John 21:15-19; Gal. 5:22-3).


  1. I am sooo gnostic leaning and I always thought Wimber was also, that is why I like him.

    Gnostic Indian chief say,

    "Spirit good - flesh bad."

  2. I'm not sure how Wimber can be gnostic. He wasn't a disdainer of his body, and his theory of worship can be seen as quite sensual in the meaning of 'enjoyable and sensate.' He also was not setting up a secret body of knowledge for a privileged few; his works were quite well published.

    If you want to argue he was gnostic in the sense that he was iconoclastic to existing rules, well, then, there is a parallel, but it is not really a connection.
