Saturday, April 26, 2008

wesley as proof of calvinism

As a "Calvinistic" "Charismatic", I found this quote by Martin-Lloyd Jones humorous.

Is there not a real danger of our becoming guilty of a very subtle form of Arminianism if we maintain that correct doctrine and understanding are essential to our being used by the Spirit of God ... I said that John Wesley was to me the greatest proof of Calvinism. Why? Because in spite of his faulty thinking he was greatly used of God to preach the gospel and convert souls! That is the greatest proof of Calvinism, predestination and election.

Dr Lloyd-Jones - "The Puritans: Their Origins and Successors" - Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh (1991) - (p297)


1 comment:

  1. Everything is proof of Calvinism. 24 hour creation day, Bethlehem, Calvary, everything. A hubristic obsession.

    I guess John Calvin's coat holding murders were also a good and Christlike proof. Oh well, it provides the Calvinistic echo chamber a continuing hobby.
