Thursday, April 10, 2008

i'm emergent

Well it had to happen I guess. I'm a Calvinist (well, really I'm Reformed) and proud of it. I'm Charismatic (well, really I'm a continuationist) and proud of it. I'm Republican (well, really I'm an extreme conservative) and proud of it. But now I find out from Jonathan Brink that I'm Emergent but I don't feel proud of it.

I didn't share any of the top 50 reasons why I may not be Emergent so I assume I am one ... darn! See that - now I'm cursing too. What's next?

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  1. Rick - You are exhibit #1 that a person can be a combination of things that are incongruous with each other. Congrats, you've pulled it off! :)

  2. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Rick, glad I could be of help. ;-P

  3. I have noticed something that seems like an emergent thing. Many speak together about cigars and/or beer as if they are giggling girls smoking behind the barn, or as if they just turned 21.

    Why is that? :)

  4. I don't know about others but for me I just enjoy a good drink and a good smoke ... but I do the same when I think about a new Mac, good food, or something else in that shallow end of the pool.

  5. OK class, a test. What doesn't belong here:

    1. The five iconic faces of Christ depicted on the blog header.

    2. The modern looking guy smokin' a cigar and looking suspicious.

    I am really freaked out by that cigar guy, he seems either erudite or some serial killer. Oh, I just realized he's just your ordinary emergent guy who is attempting to project his "emergentness"! :)

  6. Rick I....

    It would be fun to ask Todd Hunter if he is "Emgergent" as he now heads up Alpha.

    Have you done Alpha? We banter it around a bit here but I never have taken it... being a recent convert to that John Wimber cult...


    Personally I think they missed the big one... If John MacArthur hates it, it must be wrong... LOL!

  7. Rick F...

    I don't smoke cigars... I would, but my wife told me not to...

    does that make me liberal?


  8. Iggy - I know a lot of people I really respect say really good things about it. I previewed it but fell asleep. I tried a number of times with the same result. I just don't get what people see either good or bad about it.

    Of course I'm biased toward small groups and it seems the topics and relational format is what we do in small group. Perhaps that's why I didn't find the Alpha approach as innovative and frankly it seemed a step back.

    Regarding the smoking, I think Rick F. would say you would only be emergent if you giggled about it.

    hehehe ...

  9. If I'm going to smoke I'm not going to giggle, I'm going to get on my Harley and sneer with it between my teeth! I'll bring my oldest son, a bodybuilder covered in tattoos and piercings with a shaved head, and we will witness together like we always do.

    See guys, everytime you think you have me figure out - you don't!! (except for the smoking part - I made that up) :)

  10. Actually I would have to be lifting the "special" expressive finger while mocking others for not smoking with me...

    Funny thing is Rick (Henry) you pretty much described me about 10 years ago. I had all that Harley attitude and more... I even was one of the founders of Christian Motorcycle association in Salinas Ca. Most of us left with thoughts to start a chapter of Bikers for Christ, but just never got around to it.

    Now I am in between Harleys... but some day...


  11. [groan]

    Rick, are you trying to attract attention?

  12. Puritan - Rick claims to be a Calvinist, charismatic, emergent, and beer and cigar loving believer in Christ. So an attention grabber?

    You have no idea! :)
