Friday, April 18, 2008

church hating

When we say, ‘I love Jesus, but I hate the Church,’ we end up losing not only the Church but Jesus too. The challenge is to forgive the Church. This challenge is especially great because the Church seldom asks us for forgiveness. ~ Henri Nouwen



  1. I love Jesus but hate His bloggers.

    But I fgorgive them. :)

  2. Rick (Ianniello),

    may I know why you would want to quote the heretic Henry Nouwen?

  3. Puritan - The same reason he quotes the heretic John Calvin! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Rick Frueh,

    be careful what you are saying. John Calvin is not a heretic, but a God-fearing Reformer who made some errors along the way. I know you are vehemontly anti-Reformed, but if you continue in bearing false witness against the Reformers, or worse still, place yourself against the biblical truths they proclaim, then beware of being given over to deception by God Himself. I think Pastor Ken Silva and Jim from Old Truth have said something to that effect, if my memory serves me well.

  6. Lighten up, it is all in jest. I kid with Rick too, although I consider many of Calvin's teaching as heretical. And if subscribe to Calvin, you must consider Wesley a heretic. So I'll call it even.

    Calvin is an easy target because even if his theology was correct, he was a wicked and fleshly man who had some who disagreed put to death. Don't let it ruin your day, though, just make sure you do not have his personage in admiration.

    As far as Ken and Jim are considered, I'm more afraid of my wife! ::))
