Wednesday, March 12, 2008

macarthur as the anti-macarthur

I had previously posted regarding John MacArthur's remarks on contextualization at the Shepherd's Conference. Clearly he thinks contextualization is demonic. Interestingly, here are his sermon builder notes. Stage 1, step 4: Consider the people - who is my audience?
While the message should never be determined by the audience, but rather by the Scriptures, the preacher is wise to prayerfully consider his audience before preaching. In so doing, he will remind himself that the souls of real individuals are at stake, and that the sermon building process is important—because it eternally impacts the lives of people.


I think people will be bored if you are boring. It is not related to how much time you spend in a book. As long as you are saying things that capture their interest and challenge their lives, they will not care what book you are in and for how long.

Hmmm ... ???

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1 comment:

  1. Demonic? Interesting that only the devil has supernatural power these days...we must be left utterly at his mercy if we choose to worship God who no longer works powerfully in the earth today...
