Friday, March 21, 2008

he's an original, so are you

As Ed Young, Jr. says, "this is off the hook". Here is Young with his buddy Joel Osteen.


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    It's the dream of every pastor...

  2. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Maybe it my imagination, but did Joel give himself most of the credit for the growth of the church?

  3. :-) well he didn't credit you or me, that's for sure ...

  4. Fawning over the BANK'S building and calling it "God's". It wasn't built by God, it was built by the dollars of SPORTS fans and a god named Elvin Hayes. And now the bank receives the tithes and offerings in the form of interest and lends them out with usury to bars, clubs, gays, abortion clinics, cults, Family Planning, and anyone else whose credit is approved. Thank you God.

    Go to the pyramids or the Parthenon or the Mormon Tabernacle and see what a REAL God can do.

    And the Mormons pay cash, their God can do anything.

    What utter nonsense.

  5. So Rick ... how do you really feel?

  6. Sorry, Rick, but I just find this stuff modern day idolatry. How many single moms in Houston could use some significant financial help? How many families are devestated by hsopital bills? How many missionaries need support?

    So instead of building a 30 million dollar metal building and spruce it up on the outside, they buy this one that went way over 100 million with the renovations. In my book that is as much a sin in God's eyes as being a pimp.

    That's how I really feel, I'm sorry. And to top it ALL off, after spending all that money the gospel doesn't even get preached. I better stop writing now, I have the urge to get my gun!! I'm about to break the "be angry and sin not" rule!
