Sunday, March 09, 2008

fide-o quotes on contextualization

Jason Robertson has collected the following quotes in regard to correct understanding and use of contextualization. He also lists links to other excellent sources in his post.

"All preaching can be improved. In fact, preaching needs to be constantly adapting itself to the changing face of culture. The message will never change, but the way we deliver it will change -- yes, must change -- or we will cease to be a bridge between two worlds." ~ Alex Montoya, Preaching with a Passion

"Contextualization, then, is but another name for describing the servant role of theology. The Son of God assumed the form of a servant to seek and save the lost and theology must do likewise, incarnating itself in the cultural forms of its time without ever losing its identity as Christian theology. God, after all, did not assume the guise of a remote Rabbi who simply declared the principles of eternal truth, but in the Son he compassionately entered into the life of ordinary people and declared to them what God's Word meant to them. But in so doing, the Son never lost his identity as divine. Christian thought is called to do likewise, to retain its identity (doctrine) within its role as servant (theology) within a particular culture." ~ David Wells

"One part of clarity sometimes missed by earnest evangelists, however, is the willingness to offend. Clarity with the claims of Christ certainly will include the translation of the Gospel into words that our hearer understands, but it doesn’t necessarily mean translating it into words that our hearer will like. Too often advocates of relevant evangelism verge over into being advocates of irrelevant non-evangelism. A gospel which in no way offends the sinner has not been understood." ~ M. Dever


  1. Thanks for reading FIDE-O.
    What cha smoking? I enjoyed a Padron 7000 tonight with a 15 yr. old Scotch.

  2. We had a blizzard Saturday, 13.5 inches. Sunday was warm and sunny such that the snow was completely melted off any paved areas that had been shoveled.

    My son and I took our lawn chairs out to the end of the drive, sat in the sun watching neighbor kids build snow forts, while we smoked Cohiba Siglo VI and sipped Lagavulin Distiller's Edition.

    That's about as close to heaven we are going to get without dying.
