Monday, March 31, 2008

calvin is whack

"If we believe that the Spirit of God is the only fountain of truth, we shall neither reject nor despise the truth itself, wherever it shall appear, unless we wish to insult the Spirit of God…All truth is from God, and consequently if wicked men have said anything that is true and just, we ought not to reject it, for it has come from God." ~ John Calvin, The Institutes II, ii, 15 translated by John Allen. 2 Vols. Philadelphia Presbyterian Board of Publications, 1909 and Commentary on Titus, 1:12; as quoted by David Seamands, Healing Grace, 187)



  1. That is like saying God can be found in all religions. So when the demons in a damsel shouted, "These men are the servants of the most high God...", why did Paul rebuke them and command them to come out? After all, they were speaking truth.

    Calvin was emergent, it's official!

  2. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Rick, maybe because possession is not a good thing? '-)
