Monday, February 11, 2008


Matt Dabbs hits a home run with this great piece on Mk 2.1-3.6. Here's the teaser ...
Mark 2:1-3:6 is a very well defined unit with the theme of liberation. The question is liberation from what? There can be no liberation without conflict, no freedom without tension, and no in breaking kingdom without a breaking of the old system. In saying old system I am not so much referring to the Law as I am referring to the use of the Law as a leveraging stick for the authority structures and powers that be to gain control and dominance over others. In Mark 2:1-3:6 there are five conflicts that Mark has structured chiastically.

A - Healing the paralytic on the Sabbath (2:1-12)
B - Calling of Levi and eating with sinners (2:13-17)
C - Fasting and Old/New (2:18-22) - Liberation. This draws the other four stories together and makes sense of them all.
B’ - Plucking grain (dealing with eating) on the Sabbath (2:23-28)
A’ - Healing on the Sabbath (3:1-6)

And here's the application question.

We are left with this question - When Jesus comes to town which things prevent us from understanding what he has come to do?

Read Dabbs' complete post for the meat.

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