Friday, January 25, 2008

predestined and proud

Yes I know many of you don't agree with the Reformed Doctrine of Election (street name - Calvinism) and some of you even see it as heresy. Well, I be one and I'm proud of it. Go ahead, feel free to take your shots.

With that said, I like this piece by Mark Driscoll.
When most people think of the doctrine of predestination, they tend to think of a revision of the children’s game Duck, Duck, Goose. Instead, it’s Duck, Duck, Damned where God picks some people to favor and others to fry while Calvinists dance around yelling Romans 9:20 to anyone who protests. Yet the Bible’s teaching on the issue is very important, difficult, and encompasses nearly every other area of primary theology.

The rest.

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1 comment:

  1. I thought belief in predestination lead to humility - not pride? ;)
