Wednesday, January 09, 2008

the peccable jesus

Gerald Hawthorne wrote:
Not only is Jesus [our] Savior because of who he was and because of his own complete obedience to the Father's will (cf. Heb. 10:5-7), but he is the supreme example for them of what is possible in a human life because of his own total dependence upon the Spirit of God. Jesus is living proof of how those who are his followers may exceed the limitations of their humanness in order that they, like him, might carry to completion against all odds their God-given mission in life - by the Holy Spirit. Jesus demonstrated clearly that God's intended way for human beings to live, the ideal way to live, the supremely successful way to live, is in conjunction with God, in harmony with God, in touch with the power of God, and not apart from God, not independent of God, not without God. The Spirit was the presence and power of God in Jesus, and fully so.

Sam Storms provides an easy to understand explanation of the peccable nature of Jesus with the above being the implication thereof. He argues that Jesus was peccable (capable of sinning, although remaining sinless) rather than impeccable (incapable of sinning). Jesus does this not through the power of His own divine nature but rather through the power of the Holy Spirit - the same Spirit that lives in all those who belong to the Father.

You shall be holy, for I am holy. - 1 Pe 1.16

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