Friday, January 25, 2008

loving your enemies

Mk 3.20-21 - His family ... came to take charge of him, saying 'He is out of his mind.'

Is your life requiring others around you to react? If not, is that ok? If so, how do you then react to them? John Michael Talbot asks the following in this thought provoking post.
How do we relate to those who do not understand us? Do we love them or hate them? Even if they are our enemies, Jesus said, "Love your enemies." (Mt 5:44.) Do we really "love" our family members who do not understand us? Can we still love them when they claim to be "Christian" and clearly aren’t following Christ? The one who can love us all the best is Jesus. If we love him more than anyone, we will come to really love everyone, especially family members.

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