Friday, January 04, 2008

mac attack

No, no, no - I was not attacked by John MacArthur ... far worse, my MacBook Pro broke. Well, not "broke" broke ... I tried to upgrade the RAM from 2GB to 3GB and failed. Turns out there is something wrong with the logic board - or so they say at the Genius Bar (and who's going to argue with them?). Anyway, it's out for a week or so for repair.

I've decided this would be a good opportunity to take a blogging break - especially since Jonathan Brink perceives I make a post "every 6 seconds". He's right, I've been spending too much time. I may make a post from time to time if something pressing comes up but I hope not.

And therefore, I bid you adieu for a week or so ... peace.


  1. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Yes it's every six seconds, but that's NOT a bad thing. ;-)

  2. Hearing that you're Mac crashed is the saddest thing I've read all day...

  3. I'm sorry to hear that about your Mac - I would be in serious withdrawal w/o my beloved Mac. I suppose you've heard about the new laptop that Jobs will be unveiling in a few days?

  4. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Now it's every 6.5 seconds hehehe PEACE! ;-)
