Tuesday, January 08, 2008

i'm liking rob bell more

Well, for what it's worth I'm liking Rob Bell more and more ... not necessarily theologically speaking (I don't have much data) but in the way he lives out his faith. Todd Rhoades posted the following from this abpnews article.
On the “emergent” Rob Bell:
When asked whether he is an emergent church leader or claims any affiliation with the movement, Bell simply said, “No.” Discussing the role of the emergent church movement, he said he understood it to be “simply a conversation asking, ‘What does it mean to be the people of Jesus?’” Addressing anyone who is critical of such a movement, Bell said, “I wonder whether that person is a Christian. That seems like a conversation they ought to have.”

On Who the Real Pharisees Are:
Bell had much stronger words for those who are “scared” by those who offer a new approach to theology, calling them “the original Pharisees.” “They’re obsessed with absolutely minutiae issues surrounding, ‘What words do you use to define the Bible?’” he said. “They absolutely obsess about people who, in their minds, don’t use the exact proper definitive language they’ve agreed upon somewhere.” And Bell insisted he is not worried about offending “fundamentalists,” adding that each time he does so, “there are a thousand people who are now listening.”

I like that kind of attitude.

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