Sunday, January 20, 2008

getting off track

While I do not regret my recent posts about confrontation, I would like to now return to the more important business of the Gospel. I love this friendly albeit sarcastic reminder posted by The Corner.
I recently heard someone say that the motto of Christianity nowadays is

“And now these three things remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is truth.”

HT:GM (welcome back man)


  1. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Rick, I know you are exploring the emerging church and have made many posts indicating so. I think you have touched on one that simply leaves sooooooooo many people wanting from the church and orthodoxy in general. Most people I know in the emerging church love the Gospel and dare I say truth. But we've reduced it to an extremely narrow version that relies on someone's interpretation. And what ensues is what just happened: an argument. And all the while the enemy sits back and laughs.

  2. yep - it reads as a passage from The Screwtape Letters.
