Sunday, January 27, 2008

fourteen years ago ...

It's hard two believe that it has been roughly fourteen years ago that Randy Clark sat down with a handful of us to describe with amazement the power of God that flowed from what he expected to be only a few meetings at the Toronto Airport Vineyard.

A lot has happened to me, in me, and through me over these years and it was good to take some time this morning to reflect on how God has been at work in my personal history.

This was thankfully prompted by Adrian Warnock's repost of his historical account of "THE TORONTO BLESSING - WHEN THE CHURCH SEEMED TO BE GOING MAD". I think his summary is accurate and I really like his closing remarks to how we can choose to react. These responses can be reapplied as we think about any church movement (or conversation). Here is Warnock's healthy advice:
The Pharisee Response
After a minimal investigation, possibly largely by hearsay, some vigorously oppose what is going on. As one Baptist pastor who had never attended a meeting pronounced, "This movement is not of God." The extreme denunciation of any movement is out of place without a careful investigation. In the case of the Pharisees, their opposition to this young upstart, Jesus of Nazareth, was largely based on jealousy. To oppose from a distance is dangerous since, unless one throws aside the history of revivals, one has to conclude that these phenomena could be the work of God. How sad to fall into the same trap as those biblical men who opposed every revival in history.

The Gamaliel Approach (Acts 5)
Leave it alone since, if it is of God, it will continue; otherwise, it will fail. At first sight, Gamaliel's "stand back and see what happens" advice seems good. It is certainly an improvement on the first position. We should not forget, however, that these were the words of an unbeliever. The biblical view of the Church is that, like it or not, we are all part of one another. When a widespread movement is affecting so large a part of the Church, if you feel you have wisdom and maturity, you have a responsibility to investigate. If this is a work of God, don't miss out! If this is a deceptive endeavor, rescue your brothers and sisters!

A Blind Acceptance of Everything
There are those who become so enraptured by experiences that nothing else matters. There was apparently at least one church which had not had a sermon for nine weeks solid. This is a road fraught with danger. Power is dangerous. Heresy, error, and sin may result. We need to be more responsible than this.

Recognize Carefully the Work of God and Seek His Blessing
Careful investigation with discernment is called for. We should actively promote this movement if it is of God. It is a fearful thing to oppose God. At the same time, we need to be wise, as excesses can happen. We need to ensure that decency is always maintained. For example, sometimes young women wear clothing that can become revealing as they fall. This needs to be managed to prevent improper exposure. We need to care for those prayed for, and particularly those who feel left out. Any appearance of manipulation ought to be rooted out.

Which do you most often employ?

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