Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"i'm a continuationist" or "life in the spirit"

Peter Cockrell continues to find great stuff out there on the internet. I'm not ashamed to repost it here. This was written by Mark Lauterbach.
I am a continuationist. That means I believe from Scripture that the age in which we live is marked by the continuing active presence of God, by the Spirit. While I think his work may be more pronounced at one time or other, I do not believe what the Spirit of God is doing in the world has changed. There is no cessation of any particular aspect of his work.

Acts 2 is the record of the inauguration of this day, and it reminds me that the pouring out of the Spirit at Pentecost is not an event that ended at sunset of that day. No, it is like a wedding – it brought about a whole new state of being. It is like an inauguration, it resulted in a new regime.

Acts 2 says that the regime of the “last days” (in which we live) is marked by the effusive, abundant working of the Spirit of God in all of his people. No one person has a special corner on the work of the Spirit. He is given abundantly to all his people. The result is powerful works of God – healing and conviction of sin, signs and conversions. The result is also great fruitfulness. When the Spirit of God comes, the barren ground bears a great harvest. 3000 are converted in one day, and the fruitfulness abounds so much that Luke no longer records conversions, he records multiplication of churches.

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