Friday, December 28, 2007

ortlund on revival

Jesse Phillips posted these three tips from Jay Ortlund Jr. for those seeking to facilitate revival.
  • lead your people spiritually
  • preach the gospel expectantly
  • accept suffering meekly
His post offers the details.

1 comment:

  1. The only way that God will send revival is if a person, or persons, become unusually consumed with prayer. I mean it becomes an obsession that begins to spread. When churches open their mausoleums nightly and cars would be seen in the parking lot until the midnight watches.

    Many residual effects would appear. A renewed hunger for the Word, brokenness and tears, a burden for the lost, a love for the brethren, and supernatural signs. None of which will be manifested without a deep and elongated season of prayer and seeking God's face.
