Monday, December 17, 2007

macarthur ... charasmatic

I almost fell out of my chair this morning while reading my daily blogs. It seems John MacArthur has gone charismatic ... again. In a Q&A session at Grace Church and published in Pulpit Magazine, MacArthur responds to a question regarding the Scriptural reference of a believer being unequally yoked with a non-believer.

I agree with the following but it exemplifies an issue within the MacArthur camp.
Practically speaking, you will have to make the judgment as to what a particular partnership involves and whether you can be part of it – based on biblical principles, prayer, and godly counsel. The Spirit of God will lead you in that.

While I agree, it seems clear that MacArthur is saying the same thing as many Charismatics and the "Experiencing God" gang. He writes this and is applauded while he and his disciples rail against others for stating that same. I've said it before and I'll say it again, these guys could do the body of Christ a lot of good if they would lay down their spiritual pride and stop allowing Satan to fill them with disdain for others.

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  1. I have cotinued to have health problems so I haven't been around to bother you, but I am feeling better. When I addressed the notion of human idolatry with Jim at Old Truth he went ballistic. Some of these people use MacArthur or Spurgeon, etc., as doctrinal dashboard bobbleheads parading them as if they are not only unassailable Biblical authority, but also that they are on "their side".

    I am still waiting to hear MacArthur say "I'm not sure" about anything, and when they hold these round table church platform discussions with Sproul and others it so resembles the Sanhedrin. When we will see MacArthur publish a book delineating the sins and shortcomings of his own camp? When we he exhort the church to pray and fast and seek God's face rather than rely on the power of his and other's words to combat error?

    For someone who claims to reject humanistic efforts he sure writes a lot of books, publishes a lot of articles, give a lot of interviews, holds a lot of conferences, just the amount of that hot air increases global warming and does little to combat error.

    And last year at the Shepherds Conference, with all the problems in the church and in the world, the keynote speaker gave a several part message entitled "Why I am a Calvinist". That is like serving glazed doughnuts to a Dunkin Donuts convention, worthless.

    He reminds me of the old guy in the movie "In Search of the Holy Grail" who guards the different cups and says "You have chosen poorly". That is the entrenched mentality that prevails. Remember, if you go to seminary, if you learn Greek and Hebrew, and if you read Calvin, you will know all there is to know about everything, including who is and who is not saved.

  2. Anonymous9:14 AM

    MacArthur has always said that those 4 things together are proper decision making tools. What he condemns is the "let the spirit guide" alone as the decision making tool. I think you can find many places in his writings where he recommends Holy Spirit guidance in conjunction with the other 3 methods.

  3. Whatever tools he uses he seems to always arrive at an unambiguous, unmysterious interpretation of even the most insignificant doctrines. Pagitt et. al. are only the issue as it applies to their teachings, so to pronounce the "unsaved" label upon him is not only spiritual hubris it detracts from the doctrinal issue. It is almost hysterical.

    I like much of what MacArthur writes but not so much the tone sometimes. As the 60's song once observed, "There's something happenin here, what it is ain't exactly clear". No one can deny there is something going on in the Christian community, so we need calm and humble voices to address the doctrinal issues without making the particular men part of the issue itself.

    And the orthodox churches are full of hedonistic compromisers also, so we all need revival.

  4. Randy - my "surprise" was sarcasm. I am not surprised he believes these things. I was noting that he and his posse are quick to criticize others who are saying the same.

  5. Thanks Rick,
    I appreciate this post.

    Randy- I don't know anyone in the Charismatic or Pentecostal community who "let the spirit guide- alone". It really is a red herring.

    When I read many of John MacArthur's books I recognize that he certainly does display a 'spiritual gift' in his writing.

    I have heard him preach in person and recognize a definite spiritual gifting there also.

    He has a tremedous ministry and has blessed many. It is a shame that he feels that it is necessary to criticise those with spiritual giftings that are different than his.
