Tuesday, December 18, 2007

ladd on the kingdom

Goerge Eldon Ladd - "God is seeking out sinners and inviting them to submit themselves to His reign that He might be their Father."

In reference to the eschatological salvation, the righteous will enter into the Kingdom of their Father (Mt13.43). The Father is the one whom has prepared for the blessed the eschatological inheritance of the Kingdom (Mt 25.34). The Father will bestow upon Jesus' disciples the gift of the Kingdom (Lk 12.32). In that day, Jesus will enjoy a renewed fellowship with His disciples in the Father's Kingdom (Mt 26.29).

God's Fatherhood is a blessing and a relationship that cannot be enjoyed by all people. This is reserved for those who enter the eschatological Kingdom. Those that do not enter the Kingdom will not enjoy relationship with God as their Father.

But - this gift of Fatherhood does not only belong to the eschatological Kingdom; it is also a present gift. In fact, the future blessing of the Kingdom is dependent upon a present relationship. Jesus taught His disciples to see God and call Him as Father. The highest good in life is the Kingdom of God and its righteousness. Those that know God as their Father live this in the present (Mt 6.32-33; Lk 12.30).

The Kingdom of God is both present and future. To enter it is to know God as Father and to walk in the light of His glory.

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