Tuesday, December 25, 2007

the humanity of christ

"In our Christian Creed we confess that Christ was conceived and made man or was incarnate (if I may so speak), that He became a real human being by assuming a body. We confess that He assumed genuine flesh and blood from the Virgin Mary, that He did not pass through her as the sun shines through a glass but brought her virgin flesh and blood with Him. If this had taken place only with the cooperation of Mary, the Babe would not have been pure. But though Mary has been conceived in sin, the Holy Spirit takes her flesh and blood and purifies them; and thence He creates the body of the Son of God. This is why it is said that "He was conceived by the Holy Ghost." Thus He assumed a genuine body from His mother Mary, but this body was cleansed from sin by the Holy Spirit. If this were not the case, we would not be saved." - Martin Luther

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1 comment:

  1. I believe Christ's body was fully human and without sin, I still am not sure He had a human nature (person). I tend to think it was Jehovah dwelling inside a human frame. One nature, not two.

    If Jesus had two natures, one the Word and one a created human, then the human nature will be in heaven worshiping the Risen Christ because He has now shed his humanity.
