Wednesday, December 19, 2007

huckabee on god & creation

This was refreshing ... agree or not and nit-pic if you'd like - it's unusual for a politician to speak in such clear concise terms. I like it. Here is Mike Huckabee answering a question on evolution.

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  1. Ok, I'll nit-pick. He jokes about others being willing to be a descendant of a primate while leaving the door open for that belief by not committing to young-earth creationism. This was the blunder by William Jennings Bryan at the monkey trial.

  2. What a refreshing answer. Who cares how long, or how, but that God did. I loved how Wolf tried to nail him to the ground even after he clearly answered the question......classic. Thanks for sharing Rick.

  3. ah jonathan ... you'll probably vote democrat anyway ...


  4. I loved this Rick! Very refreshing.. I think I'll get US citizenship and I'll come and vote him :-)

  5. Tassos - I thought you were already an honorary citizen? I sent a letter to the President on your behalf. I'm surprised you have not received that yet.


  6. I like his response. I don't subscribe to 6 days. I long ago came to see those first 11 chapters as the equivalent of the mythic tales found in most religions. However, unlike the others the Genesis account mirrors the order of creation that science and the fossil record seems to validate. I find that amazing if you consider the account was scribed by a nomadic tribe without decades of archeological research and carbon dating and all the rest.

    It wasn't written as a scientific trease. It was a account put in terms that could be understood by a simplistic, unscientific group of people. It is truth, much as you explain to a child where babies come from, not a text book.

    Whether I decended from primates or not is really irrelevant in the scheme of things....because God still created. God who created set the natural laws in place.

    Though I wouldn't support Mr. Huckabee as president, his perspective opens a bridge to a cultural divide. Unfortunately too many of those who will be drawn to him choose theologic absolutes over scientific inquiry. But that is true of religious fundamentalists whether they are Christian, Muslim, or Hindu.
