Sunday, December 30, 2007

early training

Jon Birch makes this interesting observation.


Phil Johnson posts this excellent quote from Spurgeon.
The church needs mature Christians very greatly, and especially when there are many fresh converts added to it. New converts furnish impetus to the church, but her backbone and substance must, under God, lie with the mature members.

Mike Riccardi demonstrates that he, like many of the Pyro followers, are like the boy in Birch's cartoon rather than the mature man Spurgeon is trying to encourage.

Today's motley crew of "reformers" [referring to "the Emerging crowd"] seem to want to go anywhere but the Scriptures.

I think represents the failure of the methodology employed by the TeamPyro approach to community ... church ... religion.

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1 comment:

  1. I heard a live message by Paul Washer today and he endorsed Christian rap music as long as it was Biblical. He even said he would have no problem with his children listening to it.

    He endorsed some group named "Flame".
