Tuesday, December 04, 2007


CirclesGary Rohrmayer writes about church-centric versus mission-centric equipping. He uses Rick Warren's concentric circle model to add another layer - "commissioned". Here is Warren's model with Rohrmayer's addition at the end.

  • Community: Those living around your church who never, or occasionally, attend.
  • Crowd: Those who attend your church regularly but are not members.
  • Congregation: Those who are committed to both Christ and membership in your church family.
  • Committed: Those members who are serious about growing to spiritual maturity.
  • Core: Those members who actively serve in ministry and mission in your church.
  • Commissioned: Those members who are sent out of the church as missionaries, church planters, pastors and change agents in our cultural.

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  1. Rick, Does he talk about if certain people fill certain roles, or everyone is called to mission?

  2. He didn't say but I read this with "centered-set" glasses. That is our goal is to move everyone toward the center. In fact, what I don't like about the concentric circles is that one could read this as boundaries or gates between each ring. I think it is more fluid than that and you are either moving in or you are moving out.
