Thursday, November 22, 2007

thank god for perfect doctrine

TBNN has the exclusive. The SBC has received perfect doctrine. Based on that and assuming 100% of SBC members are saved, here's where the other denominations fall out on the 'salvation' scale.

Denominational Likelihood of Salvation Scale:
Southern Baptist 100%

Independent Baptist 83%
Free Will Baptist 77%
American Baptist 62%

Presbyterian (PCA) 57%
Presbyterian (PC-USA) 41%

Lutheran 55%

United Methodist 52%
Free Methodist 48%
Wesleyan 47%

Disciples of Christ 43%

Church of God 39%
Assemblies of God 39%
Pentecostal 39%

African-Methodist-Episcopal 36%

Episcopal 21%

Greek Orthodox 11%
Russian Orthodox 11%

Roman Catholic 9%

7th Day Adventist 2%
Unitarian-Universalist 1.5%
Mormon 1%
Moonies 0.5 %
Jehovah’s Witness 0%

Read the whole article here.

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  1. Anonymous12:35 PM

    55%. Luther would be so proud. And how do the moonies get .5%? This was a good laugh brother. Thanks.

  2. Rick Ianniello's blog - .00000001%
    Rick Frueh's blog - 100 % elected
