Sunday, November 25, 2007

pharisees in the church

Aren't you tired of church being a Mask Ball? Some people attack everything because they are afraid of control - of losing it! People who have been hurt by Pharisees in the past will take off their masks very slowly when they feel they are in a safe, secure environment of grace. But if a Pharisee comes in and rubbishes the prophecy they brought or the step of faith they made then that mask will go back on for a very VERY long time. DON'T LET THE PHARISEES RAPE YOUR PEOPLE. Don't be nice to the Pharisees! Jesus wasn't! - Rob Rufus

My opinion - we've been too easy on some evangelical thought leaders. I'm not where many seem to be in that they want to throw out evangelicalism but clearly many of our leaders are married to their doctrine as opposed to Christ. I have blogged in the past about some of these guys being instruments of Satan. I still hold to that opinion. Of course in the manner that I expressed it I was also being an instrument of Satan. I have repented and I hope my behavior matches that. Theirs does not seem any better ... yet.

More Rufus:
Resurrection is more than a doctrine - but victory of life!

If you lose heart you will set out to lower the Word of God to your experience but God wants us to raise our expectations to the promise of His Spirit.

We have no gifts of the Spirit - not one -but the One inside us has all gifts - miracles, healings, utterance gifts - tongues and prophecy. A river of life streaming from within us! You can have all nine fruits of the Spirit so why not all nine gifts of the Spirit? The fruit of the Spirit are not your fruit just as the gifts of the Spirit are not your gifts!

Jesus did not come to make immoral people moral but dead people live.

You can know the whole Bible but if you don't have divine encounters then you are nothing but a walking Pharisee.


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