Tuesday, November 20, 2007

naked teacher

Ok - this news caught my eye (figuratively speaking).
Macon, GA (WMAZ) - A substitute teacher was kicked out of a Macon area school Wednesday morning for partially undressing in front of students.

The teacher undressed in a fourth-grade classroom. Assistant school superintendent Sylvia McGee said the woman disrobed below the waist.

The principal, Dr. Ramon Johnson, says the substitute teacher was non-responsive to direct questions and was removed immediately from the campus.

In a letter sent home to parents, Johnson wrote, during the incident, the school was placed in a code-red lockdown.

Students and teachers were required to go to the nearest room, lock the doors, and cover the windows.

In the letter, Johnson assured parents that the woman will never substitute in any Bibb County School again. He also said it's possible the incident may have been caused a medical problem.

A crisis team is available to help students who were in the class during the incident.

Assistant school superintendent Sylvia McGee said, "We think it was an isolated incident, and the school and the staff acted very quickly to deal with it. The school did an exemplary job in dealing with this unforeseen circumstance."

Without more detail, it sounds like something medically or psychologically went wrong fast with this teacher and I hope she is ok but the rest is just a little weird for me. The school went into lock-down and kids got psychological counseling? There were no pictures but come on, could it have been that horrific???

I hope naked pastor's flock doesn't get wind of this.

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