Sunday, November 25, 2007

jesus' ministry

I've posted this before but I love it and it always seems timely ... from John Wimber ...
To continue Jesus’ ministry requires that we adopt His lifestyle. Unfortunately, Christians in the West would rather implement programs. We are blind to our mechanistic assumptions when we reduce ministry to reproducible components and try to apply them indiscriminately. There is nothing wrong, for instance, with a tool for witnessing like The Four Spiritual Laws. It helps believers communicate biblical truth. But should we use it every time? No. We must ask what is appropriate in each situation and learn the art of listening, even as Jesus modeled (see John 5:19, 30).

More from Wimber on the general topic of why we do what we do.

The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work (1 Jn 3.8). So we, in doing the Father's will, are to bring the Kingdom to people. When we take care of the poor, pray for the sick and clothe the naked, we will be sensitive to Father's leading in the midst of these precious people and in His time we will see sight restored to the blind, the lame walk, and the lepers cleansed.

But remember, these "signs" of the Kingdom are not for the purpose of showing that the Kingdom is here. They point to the fact that our compassionate King is here! Our Lord is the one who heals and delivers out of compassion. It is not a P.R. program to establish Jesus as King. He is King, and our King is full of compassion! He fed 5,000 not to provide a sign, but because they were hungry. He healed the sick not to provide a sign, but to relieve their suffering. God's Kingdom comes to the lost and the broken because He is full of mercy and compassion.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. rick, i noticed the "recent comments" section on your blog was blank and had the thought, "I wonder if he feels like he has tens of readers like I do?"... and just wanted you to know that I have never commented, but have your blog on my reader and read every posting. i have enjoyed your blog - it's one of the few i read regularly... so thanks, and keep 'em coming!

    in Christ,

    Robert Austell
    Charlotte, NC

  3. thanks robert - i appreciate the encouragement.

  4. Very cool. And timely :)

    I've been hit over the head lately on just what goes on at church... and asking the question "Is it all about us?" or "Are we being the body of Christ impacting the world?"... Unfortunately the answer isn't always what I'd like to see...
