Thursday, October 11, 2007

to defend or contend, that is the question

I like Iggy's take on the defending the truth issue. I haven't spent a lot of time to decide if I agree with every detail of his post but in principle, I'm there. Are you a contender for the faith or a defender of truth - or worse, a defender of your own version of truth?


  1. Why is it we will defend truths like the virgin birth, the inspiration of Scripture, the Trinity, and many other doctrinal truths?

    But where are the defenders of humility, and love, and meekness, and patience, and all those exhibitory doctrines?

    No one can exhibit the virgin birth in his life, but he can exhibit humility. The only thing is it is easier to defend the Trinity than to live His love.

  2. Rick and Rick,

    I think when someone meets the real Jesus and He becomes their life, those other truths fall into place. Yet, to let Jesus be your very Life, means to be totally dependant on Him... how can one defend the one they are totally dependant on?

    It is like a new born babe defending its mother.

    Now, the point of the virgin birth is that it is the incarnation of God, and to allow Jesus to be one's very life, allows the incarnation to be lived out in us and through us.

    Without the relationship with Jesus and the exchange of our life for His, these truths are nothing more than propositions... and unless a proposition is lived out and is of the Truth Himself... it is worthless. James stated it that we should be hearers and doers of the word...

    Be Blessed,
